How's it Gosen? Cherry Gose is Drifting in for the Summer

How’s it Gosen? Cherry Gose has drifted in! This 4% cheery cherry salty sour ale is refreshing, blushing and full of summer sunset! Available all summer, this beer is perfect for those warm sunshiny days, and catching up with mates around the BBQ.
How’s it Gosen? Was initially a Tropical Gose featuring mango and passionfruit flavours, and started off as a Brewpub exclusive beer, quickly becoming a crowd favourite. It was first canned in 2019, but this year, it returns as a perfectly pink cherry gose. How’s it Gosen? Cherry Gose pours a stunning pink colour and has been brewed with real cherries. This beer has the traditional salt and sour flavours of a gose, with a BentSpoke twist of real cherry fruit additions.
How’s it Gosen? gets its unique sourness from traditional souring techniques using lactic acid, done with BentSpoke’s home grown bacteria. The beer features a subtle cherry taste, and a cherry berry aroma, thanks to the addition of Australian cherries. The cherries were turned into a concentrate and added to the beer via our hop cannon.
Get it before it’s gosen! Available now from the BentSpoke Brewpub in Braddon, or retailers around the country. Find one near you via the beer finder on our website.